Evaluation Methodology
The evaluation methodology is different depending on the architecture of the model. For encoder models, we use a finetuning approach, where we finetune the model on the training data of the task, and evaluate it on the test data. For decoder models, we use either a few-shot or zero-shot approach, where we evaluate the model on the test data without any finetuning, but where the few-shot examples come from the training data of the task. It has been shown that the few-shot approach corresponds to finetuning in the sense of being equivalent to gradient updates on the training data, making the two evaluation methodologies comparable.
Robust Evaluation
For each model and dataset, we evaluate the model as described above 10 times, each time on a bootstrapped (i.e., sampling with replacement) version of the training and test set. The evaluation score is then the mean of these scores, along with a 95% confidence interval, computed as the mean ± 1.96 x standard error of the mean, where the standard error of the mean is the sample standard deviation divided by the square root of the number of samples.
The bootstrap theorem means that this mean and associated confidence interval will be asymptotically correct, giving us a more reliable estimate of the true performance of the model, rather than just the performance on a single test set, which can be noisy.
Formulating NLU Tasks as Generative Tasks
In this section we describe how we rephrase the NLU tasks as text-to-text tasks, which makes it possible to evaluate generative models on the tasks. We set up the prompts differently depending on whether the model is instruction tuned or not, as the instruction tuned models require a different prompt structure to ensure that they generate the correct output.
For the base (i.e., non-instruction tuned) models, we use the following prompt structure:
[prefix prompt]
{% for each few-shot example %}
[document prefix]: [few-shot example document]
[label prefix]: [few-shot example label]
{% end for %}
[document prefix]: [new document]
[label prefix]:
For the instruction tuned models, we use the following prompt structure:
{% for each few-shot example %}
USER: [instruction with few-shot example]
ASSISTANT: [label]
{% end for %}
USER: [instruction with new example]
Here we would use the model's chat template to set up the USER
of the prompt. See all the specific prompts used for each dataset in the dataset
configs module.
For the sentiment classification task, we simply have the models generate translations of the three labels (positive, negative and neutral). For the linguistic acceptability task, also a text classification task, we use the translations of "yes" and "no" as the two labels, corresponding to whether the document is grammatically correct or not. For the extractive question answering task, we have the model output the answer directly. For this task we found that changing the label prefix from "Answer" to "Answer in max 3 words" resulted in a drastic improvement, due to many of the answers of instruction tuned models starting with unnecessary text akin to "The answer is". Lastly, for the named entity recognition task, we require the output to be a JSON dictionary, with keys being the translated named entity tags, and values being lists of named entities of that category. To ensure that we are not biasing the evaluation toward models knowing the JSON format, we employ structured generation using the outlines package, which modifies the logits outputted by the model to ensure that the output is always a valid JSON dictionary in the aforementioned format.
Score Aggregation
From the raw scores of the 10 evaluations per dataset, we need to aggregate the model scores into a single score. We want an aggregation method that satisfies the following criteria:
- Task Fairness: Each task should be weighted equally.
- Comparison: If we evaluate models in multiple languages, then it should be possible to meaningfully compare the language scores of these models with each other.
- Robustness: If two models do not have a significantly different score on a dataset, then the aggregated score should reflect this.
- Magnitude Preservation: The magnitude of the difference between the dataset score of two models should be reflected in the aggregated score.
- Minimal Change: Adding a new model should minimally affect the aggregated scores of the other models.
Before we introduce our chosen aggregation method, we will briefly discuss some common aggregation methods and how they do not satisfy the criteria.
The mean score is the most common aggregation method, which would simply be the mean of the 10 scores for each dataset, and then the mean of the dataset scores for each task. This method does not satisfy the Task Fairness criterion, as it does not take into account that metrics have different ranges and variances. The Comparison criterion is also not satisfied, as datasets vary from language to language, with some datasets being more difficult than others. It does, however, satisfy the Robustness, Magnitude Preservation and Minimal Change criteria.
The mean rank is another common aggregation method, where we compute the rank of each model on each dataset, and then take the mean of the ranks. This method satisfies the Task Fairness criterion, as it re-casts the scores into a common comparable framework, which therefore weights each task equally. For the same reason, it also satisfies the Comparison criterion (it is important here that we evaluate all the models on all the languages for this to be satisfied). It does not satisfy the Robustness and Magnitude Preservation criteria, by definition of rank. It partially satisfies the Minimal Change criterion, since it only affects the scores of the models which are worse than the new model.
We thus see that the mean score and mean rank methods satisfy a disjoint set of the criteria, but that they together satisfy all the criteria. Based on this observation, we introduce the mean rank score method, defined as follows. For each dataset, we start by sorting the models by their mean score on the dataset. As with a rank, we assign the best model with rank score 1. For the next best model, we conduct a one-tailed Welch's t-test to see if the next best model is significantly worse than the first model (p < 0.05). If so, we compute the absolute difference between the mean score of the two models, and divide that by the standard deviation of all the mean scores of the models on the dataset.
We then add this to the rank score of the first model. We continue this process for all the models to get the rank scores for the dataset, and to compute the overall score for the model, we take the mean of the rank scores for the datasets. We note that the mean rank score has an intuitive interpretation: it is the average number of standard deviations from the best scoring model (+1).
This metric satisfies Task Fairness since we normalise all the scores by dividing by the standard deviation of the dataset scores. The Robustness criterion is satisfied due to our use of a one-tailed Welch's t-test. The Magnitude Preservation criterion is also satisfied, as the magnitude of the difference between the dataset score of two models is reflected in the rank score. It also satisfies Comparison, as we compare the models on a common scale (same argument as the mean rank method). Finally, the Minimal Change criterion is partially satisfied, as adding new models only minimally changes the score of existing models. Concretely, adding new scores will affect the standard deviation normalising factor (this effect tends to zero as the number of models grows, however), and if the model beats all the other models then all the scores will be affected, due to the relative nature of the metric.
Check out more in-depth descriptions of the methodology in the associated research papers: