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source module scandeval.utils

Utility functions to be used in other scripts.


  • HiddenPrints Context manager which removes all terminal output.


source create_model_cache_dir(cache_dir: str, model_id: str)str

Create cache directory for a model.


  • cache_dir : str

    The cache directory.

  • model_id : str

    The model ID.


  • str The path to the cache directory.

source clear_memory()

Clears the memory of unused items.

source enforce_reproducibility(seed: int = 4242)

Ensures reproducibility of experiments.


  • seed : int

    Seed for the random number generator.

source is_module_installed(module: str)bool

Check if a module is installed.

This is used when dealing with spaCy models, as these are installed as separate Python packages.


  • module : str

    The name of the module.


  • bool Whether the module is installed or not.

source block_terminal_output()

Blocks libraries from writing output to the terminal.

This filters warnings from some libraries, sets the logging level to ERROR for some libraries, disabled tokeniser progress bars when using Hugging Face tokenisers, and disables most of the logging from the transformers library.

source get_class_by_name(class_name: str | list[str], module_name: str)t.Type | None

Get a class by its name.


  • class_name : str | list[str]

    The name of the class, written in kebab-case. The corresponding class name must be the same, but written in PascalCase, and lying in a module with the same name, but written in snake_case. If a list of strings is passed, the first class that is found is returned.

  • module_name : str

    The name of the module where the class is located.


  • t.Type | None The class. If the class is not found, None is returned.

source kebab_to_pascal(kebab_string: str)str

Converts a kebab-case string to PascalCase.


  • kebab_string : str

    The kebab-case string.


  • str The PascalCase string.

source internet_connection_available()bool

Checks if internet connection is available by pinging


  • bool Whether or not internet connection is available.

source get_special_token_metadata(tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizer)dict

Get the special token metadata for a tokenizer.


  • tokenizer : PreTrainedTokenizer

    The tokenizer.


  • dict The special token metadata.

source class HiddenPrints()

Context manager which removes all terminal output.

source raise_if_model_output_contains_nan_values(model_output: Predictions)None

Raise an exception if the model output contains NaN values.


  • model_output : Predictions

    The model output to check.


source should_prompts_be_stripped(labels_to_be_generated: list[str], tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizer)bool

Determine if we should strip the prompts for few-shot evaluation.

This is the case if the tokenizer needs to include the space as part of the label token. The strategy is thus to tokenize a label with a preceeding colon (as in the prompts), i.e., ": positive", and check if the tokenization starts with the tokens of ": ". If this is the case, then we should not strip the prompts, since the tokenizer produces the whitespace token separately.


  • labels_to_be_generated : list[str]

    The labels that are to be generated.

  • tokenizer : PreTrainedTokenizer

    The tokenizer used to tokenize the labels.


  • bool Whether we should strip the prompts.

source should_prefix_space_be_added_to_labels(labels_to_be_generated: list[str], tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizer)bool

Determine if we should add a prefix space to the labels.

This is the case if the prompts are stripped and the tokenizer doesn't automatically add prefix whitespaces to the labels.


  • labels_to_be_generated : list[str]

    The labels that are to be generated.

  • tokenizer : PreTrainedTokenizer

    The tokenizer used to tokenize the labels.


  • bool Whether we should add a prefix space to the labels.

source get_end_of_chat_token_ids(tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizer)list[int] | None

Get the end token ID for chat models.

This is only relevant for tokenizers with a chat template.


  • tokenizer : PreTrainedTokenizer

    The tokenizer.


  • list[int] | None The token IDs used to end chats, or None if the tokenizer does not have a chat template.


  • ValueError

    If the end-of-chat token could not be located.

source scramble(text: str)str

Scramble a string in a bijective manner.


  • text : str

    The string to scramble.


  • str The scrambled string.

source unscramble(scrambled_text: str)str

Unscramble a string in a bijective manner.


  • scrambled_text : str

    The scrambled string to unscramble.


  • str The unscrambled string.

source log_once(message: str, level: int = logging.INFO)None

Log a message once.

This is ensured by caching the input/output pairs of this function, using the functools.cache decorator.


  • message : str

    The message to log.

  • level : int

    The logging level. Defaults to logging.INFO.


  • ValueError